Ability Dogs
4 Young People
Teemill Clothing Range
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Holly is quite distinctive as she has a kink in her tail. Fortunately this is not due to an injury but something she was born with.
Holly started her training with Richard and Janet with Nuala (one of our Supporter Dogs), when she arrived in January 2013. Holly loved playing with Nuala and particularly loved teasing her with her toys!
She lived with other puppy parents for a while but is now with Carol and undergoing her Ability Dog training. Carol is aiming to complete this training by the end of 2014 when Holly will be ready to be placed. Holly is a very friendly dog but particularly loves men!
Carol is currently concentrating on lead walking with Holly as she can be very distracted by other dogs. Holly loves her tasks and is often picking up Carol's slippers and taking them to her.
Holly also loves open spaces, being outdoors in the garden and running on a free run. She can certainly run fast and she responds to a 'recall' much quicker now.
Although she loves open spaces she also loves her bed. She loves nothing better than to snuggle up in her duvet. So much so that one morning she had completely buried herself. Carol had a brief moment of panic when she couldn't see Holly at all in her bed she thought she had lost her.
I am 7 weeks old
Look what I have done
Swimming at Doggy Paddles