
Ability Dogs
4 Young People

What's On:

Charity Shops:

Training News:

Ability Dogs
4 Young People
Teemill Clothing Range
Shop & Support

Charity Shops


Newport Shop

23 Crocker Street, Newport, PO30 5DA

Opening times: Monday - Saturday 10am - 4pm
Telephone number: 01983 214056
Email address: newportshop@abilitydogs4yp.org.uk


Shanklin Auction Shop

79 Regent Street, Shanklin, PO37 7AP

Opening times: Monday - Saturday 10am - 4pm
Telephone number: 01983 214284
Email address: shanklinshop@abilitydogs4yp.org.uk


Shanklin Shop

104 Regent Street, Shanklin, PO37 7AP

Opening times: Monday - Saturday 10am - 4pm
Telephone number: 01983 214051
Email address: shanklin2@abilitydogs4yp.org.uk

Books at the Coop, Landguard Road, Shanklin

We have a table of books available at the Coop and thankfully the Coop are still able to host this for us. Please pop in and choose a book for a donation. We top up the table twice weekly.


Can you help? We need volunteers to help in our shops. Please call in and have a chat.

Having a clear out?

If you have any items you would like to donate please drop them off, or call in or ring one one of our shops as we can collect some items.

Please check our Facebook page for any updates: https://www.facebook.com/AbilityDogsCharityShops/.
Please call the shops for more details.

Ability Dogs 4 Young People: Island trained for Island people

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Phone: 01983 216246          Email: info@abilitydogs4yp.org.uk

Ability Dogs 4 Young People IOW          Registered Charity No. 1154896                             Patron: Charlotte Corney

Training assistance dogs for disabled young people on the Isle of Wight