Ability Dogs
4 Young People
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Georgie is our first Ability Dog. He has recently graduated and now lives with Christina and her family. However, being our 'first', and given his character, he has a special place in everyone's heart.
He started his training with Joan (who lives on the mainland) and then moved in with Karena and then, when he was a year old, moved in with Carol to start his Ability Dog training. At times it seemed he would never calm down and become the dog he now is but finally, at 22 months, he 'made it'.
He is now such an asset, given that he is very keen and quick to learn, loves his tasks and, once he has completed a task, looks up as much as to say "what's next?" Georgie loves to please and 'tidy up' and is now very settled in his new home. He helps Christina to undress but does insist on retrieving socks that have been placed in the washing pile, and taking them back to her!
He regularly goes to the stables at Brickfields where his new family have their horse. He plays ball with the resident dog Billy, but has got so good at chasing the tennis ball, getting to it first each time, that Billy has given up chasing it!
Georgie goes everywhere with Christina, including the IOW College where he sits patiently through Christina's classes. He regularly goes into Morrison's supermarket, including the café, which he can now do this without sniffing the floor to see if he can find any interesting titbits! On one occasion though he did find himself stuck under the table, very briefly, when his harness became lodged.
Recently, Georgie and family attended the Swimarathon at The Heights sports centre in Sandown where Christina took part in the fund raising event. While waiting for Christina to complete her event Georgie was quite happy to sit with Carol and was very well behaved. However, when Christina walked through the door it was obvious that he couldn't wait to get back to where he belonged, quickly taking his place at Christina's side (lumps in throats all round!).
Christina took Georgie on the flat walk of 'Walk the Wight'. Despite getting a large blister quite early on, Christina was determined to finish so that Georgie could get his dog tag medal, which he nows wears very proudly.
We are very proud of the success of Georgie with his new family. It is an excellent example of exactly why we started Ability Dogs 4 Young People IOW.
Getting to know each other
Shopping with Christina
Modelling my special harness